His hands almost shook when he read the letter. It was printed on an old-style line printer. The letterhead was that of the District Attorney, and he was the addressee.
“The defendant is find guilty of all of the charges. For reckless driving the sentence is 20 days in prison, an open container of alcohol in a vehicle is 20 days in prison. For disturbing the peace 20 days in prison. All of the prison sentences are to be served consecutively.” stood on the letter.
“I guess I made a really poor decision. That’s an real understatement!” he thought. Speeding and trying to loose the police who tried to pull him over wasn’t the cleverest thing to do.
Now he was faced with this letter. It indicated that a warrant had been sworn out for his arrest. The Crown agreed to drop the charge of avoiding arrest, but they wouldn’t budge on other driving offenses. He never dreamed that he could land in prison! For two months!
He was to report to the Police Station within 3 days to turn himself in to face the charges, or a warrant would be issued for his arrest and he would face charges that could result in an additional two year sentence in prison.
His heart raced as he entered the Police Station, and approached the information officer at the front desk.
The receptionist was a blonde woman, a quite beautiful police matron. She smiled at him. He handed her the letter he had received.
The receptionist looked him up and down. “Follow me, please.”
She led him to a small cubicle. “Please step inside and remove all items of clothing.”
He stepped inside and pulled the door closed behind him. He stripped down to his boxer briefs. He then waited. He heard a voice, “Please step out of the cubicle.”
He stepped out. The reception again looked him up and down. Years of sport and gym had given him a tight, firm body. A set of abdominal muscles were his proudest feature.
“The prisoner must remove all items of clothing.”
“Don’t worry. You’ll be given prison attire.”
He stepped back inside the cubicle and pulled off his boxer briefs. He had a vision of himself in an orange prison jumpsuit. He stepped back out, naked. The receptionist grabbed all his clothes and possession and locked them away in a nearby locker. He stood naked, shivering.
“What am I supposed to wear?”
There was the briefest hint of a smirk on the receptionist’s face. She opened another locker and reached in and grabbed what appeared to be a small piece of white material. She handed the material to him.
He unfolded the material. It was a pair of shorts. White. Made from what appeared to be shiny PVC.
“Awww, man, what’s this? I can’t wear these.”
“The prisoner will wear the appropriate attire…or you can remain naked…”
There was a hint of menace in her voice. He pulled on the shorts. They were tiny, barely covering his butt. They were also skintight. They clung to his firm body. The tight, white PVC showing off his bubble butt and clearly outlining his dick and balls. Running down the outside left leg of the shorts was an eight digit collection of black letters and numbers which he assumed was his prison number.
She smiled and looked up and down his body appreciatively. “Please be seated. You will be taken shortly,” she commanded.
There was a fairly large room with rows of wooden benches. He walked over to the bench and sat down. He sat self consciously. Totally aware of his almost nakedness.
A few moments later she appeared in the doorway. “Please, stand up and turn around,” she called.
He slowly rose and walked toward her. As he rose, she took her handcuffs out of the holder on her belt, and waited for him to approach her.
He turned his back to the officer. She firmly took his arm and applied a twisting motion. He allowed her to guide him with her firm grip, and felt warm metal applied about his wrists. Each wrist was cuffed tightly so that there remained no play about his wrists whatsoever.
Next came a clattering, as she produced a pair of leg irons. She knelt by him side, and he co-operated by putting forward his feet. The ratchets were quickly latched shut.
“So… it’s two month in prison,” she said to him
Then she was taken behind the door.
Taking him by the elbow, she pulled it upward and toward the direction of the door. He stumbled in his chains as he was taken into custody.
“According to the regulations, you are to be treated as prisoner with high escape risk” she continued. “All security imposed on such prisoners will be imposed upon you. I am authorized to use any security measures I deem necessary. We are going to keep you in heavy restraints for the whole time.”
This was a joke, he thought. Surely they wouldn’t keep him so severely tied up for an entire 2 months.
He tried to resist as she led him to the far door on the right.
“Kelly, can you please help me restraining this prisoner,” she said to a beautiful blonde officer.
“My pleasure, Rachel” she answered.
Then they almost pushed him down the long hallway, and finally into a small cell. He was kept in handcuffs and leg irons.
“Come here and turn around” Rachel ordered.
“We better replace your handcuffs” Rachel explained. “I am going to put you in hinged handcuffs. They’re double-locking so they won’t over-tighten if you roll over on them, and see how they’re hinged instead of being joined by a little chain? When I lock them on you with the key holes pointing up, even if you ever did somehow get hold of the key you still wouldn’t be able to get out of them without help
Then his handcuffs were replaced and he was very tightly re-cuffed with hinged handcuffs.
“These handcuffs are a little tight” he tried with more than a hint of irritation in his voice.
“Your comfort just left your control” was the replay.
Then she was helped down on the floor and placed face down on his belly.
He tried to turn around with confusion.
“What are you talking about?” he said to the women.
“You are ours now and we are going to secure you in the most stringent ways imaginable.” Rachel said
“I’ve never agreed something like that!” he started.
“Well, we are here to put you in heavy bondage restraints and that’s what we are about to do. Hogtied with hinged handcuffs, gagged, chained and hooded” Kelly stated.
“You are joking, right?” he asked. “Gagged? For the night, too? Give me a break!
“And you are not released until your sentence is over.” Rachel continued.
“Okay, Kelly, let’s get him trussed and hogtied.”
“Hogtied? What does it mean?” he asked.
“You don’t know what a hogtie is?” she asked innocently. “You are about to find out”
“I’d better explain what we are putting on you,” Rachel said. “And if you co-operate with us, it will be easier for you”
Kelly reached down and grabbed his ankles and hinged handcuffs were placed around his ankles. Then the leg irons were removed.
“Now lift your legs straight up your back, please”. Then both handcuffs were connected together with a heavy padlock.
“Now you are hogtied” Rachel explained.
Then he felt a leather belt being looped around his upper arms and tightened roughly. His elbows were now almost touching behind his back. Then the belt was buckled there.
Kelly put a small rubber ball in his right palm.
“Do me a favor and squeeze this ball tightly please,” she said.
He complied with this seemingly innocent request. He felt something being forced over her right hand with the ball in it.
“These are called thumbless mittens. They are made of leather and their name explains what they are. When I put your hands in these, your fingers are forced into tight fists that you cannot open. These lock on with a key I have.”
The mittens were tight over his hand and the ball. Once placed on he could not move his fingers even slightly. The ball in his palm prevented him from closing his hands at all. He heard a lock click as the mitten was sealed on.
A second rubber ball was placed into his left hand and his fingers pushed around it. Another tight mitten was slipped and locked on. Her hands were now bound with handcuffs and leather.
Next the female officers pulled out a long, tapered black piece of leather. There were straps and buckles up and down the device.
“This is called a single sleeved armbinder. You can see it is pretty simple. It is a shaped piece of leather that fits over your arms and specially designed to be used with those hinged handcuffs.” Kelly explained. “Here at the bottom is where your hands will go. With those hand mittens and cuffs already on you it won’t make much difference having another layer of leather wrapping them up. The width of the sheath makes it so your arms from fingertip to elbow are going to be pinned tightly, almost together. There are straps that wrap around your arms about every five inches. Again, they are not necessary, but they just serve to make sure you are more secured. The binder goes all the way up to your shoulders. And of course we are going to strap you into this one as tightly as we physically can.”
He tried to get up, but Rachel was on her guard and forced him to his stomach again. He felt as the leather sheath was easily slid up his cuffed and bound arms. There was no way he could escape this thing. There were laces that ran the entire length of the armbinder. Slowly they began to tighten them. It took at least fifteen minutes for them to get from the tips of the fingers to the top of the shoulders. By the time they were finished, the leather stretched around his arms like a thin leather skin. There was absolutely no slack anywhere along the entire length of the binder. A flap with a zipper covered up the lacing all the way down his arms. Once this zipped up there was a lock at the top to keep it from going back down. They then wrapped all the straps around the outside of the binder – one at the wrists, one five inches higher at mid-forearm, one at the elbows, and one at the biceps. Each of these straps were pulled tight and had a small stainless steel lock on them. Finally two thicker straps ran from the top of the binder, over each of his shoulders and then buckled and locked to the other side of the binder right beneath his armpits
“This is too much!” he started. “You can’t treat me like this. I have rights”
“Temper now, mister” Kelly said. “Lets get started on those legs of yours, shall we?” She pulled out a device with thick leather straps. “I am going to sew your calf to your thigh, your ankle to your butt. Then thick leather straps will be tightened around your thighs and ankles.” she explained.
Just like his arms, they pulled each lace as tight as it could physically go, before moving to the next one up. Slowly and tightly they looped from his ankle and thigh down to his knee, fusing his leg together. By the time they were done his legs were completely immobile. Finally a very wide, very stiff leather belt was pulled around the bound legs, covering almost half of his thigh and calf. It was just another redundant addition to an already inescapable bondage and a hinged handcuff hogtie, another layer of leather to wrap him into.
When they were done, his legs were covered with a super tight leather skin from the very top of his thigh to the tip of his toe.
“Happy now?” he snapped. “You are not going to get a way with this!”
“Not quite happy yet. What do you think, Kelly, should we gag him next?” Rachel asked
She produced a red rubber ball, almost as big as a tennis ball. It had several straps and buckles attached to it.
“Look, I promise I won’t make any noise if you don’t gag me,” he pleaded.
They did not seem to hear him
“This is called a head harness ball gag, mister.” Rachel explained. “It is designed to keep this red rubber ball tightly wedged into your mouth. Once this goes on, the only sounds you will be able to make are little mews. There is no chance of you being able to slip it off without unlocking it. The straps will cover your face holding the ball in and your jaw locked around it. It is very effective.”
“I swear not to make a sound unless you say!” he pleaded! “I won’t let you put that thing in my mouth!”
Rachel put her knee into his back and grabbed his hair, pulling his head straight back. His mouth opened involuntarily as his neck was jerked roughly back. Once his mouth opened, Kelly expertly began to shove the ball in his unwilling mouth. After a few seconds of struggling the ball forced his jaw to extend wide enough to accept the rubber ball. He groaned and tried to pull his head away. Rapidly Rachel pulled the main strap of the gag around his head buckled and locked it as tightly as possible at the base of his skull. More straps ran from the ball, over his head and buckled at the top of his skull. Another strap ran under his chin and attached to the main strap around his mouth. When all these straps were tightened and locked, he could not move his jaw at all. He tried to shout around the gag, but of course nothing came out but a helpless mew.
“Isn’t that better, now we can talk without any interruptions from you.” Rachel said.
“I have something to make the gag even more effective” she continued.
Rachel picked up a soft piece of leather, almost four inches in square. On two sides it had four shining buckles. Rachel placed the leather square over his mouth and started to buckle it tight, pressing the ball deeper inside, sealing his mouth completely. Then a wide leather collar that went snugly around his neck and was shut tight by two padlocks. Short, but heavy chain was locked to the collar and attached to the wall. With it in place he could hardly move his head. He was unable to believe what was happening to him. He struggled for a few seconds, testing the binds to see if there was any slack. After several seconds of straining and pulling, all he had managed to do was cover his body with a sheen of sweat from the exertion. At this point he began to scream as loud as he could into the gag. This had no effect on the leather enveloping him so successfully. His mind raced frantically for a solution to this impossible situation. He tried to make as much moaning noises as the gag would allow.
“Well, mister,” Rachel said. “It looks like a leather hood is needed. It is going to cover your face like a second skin. There are small holes for you to breathe through your nose. Otherwise there are no other openings in that thing. You are going to be in that thing for the whole time of your sentence.
The hood was black with straps and metal rings all over it. There was no way he could allow that thing over his face. He strained and struggled to move away, shaking his head violently. Rachel then brought the leather mask over the face of the heavily restrained prisoner. The mask was all one piece, which had laces that ran all the way from the top of the skull to the base of neck. Rachel loosened all the laces and brought the hood over his shaking face. His whole body shook and strained against his inescapable bonds. It was hopeless though; the bonds that held him so well could have withstood the struggles of 50 men of his strength. There was nothing he could do as the leather was pulled over his head. He was plunged into darkness as the formed leather settled over his face. Rachel began to lace the hood at the top of his skull. She pulled and laced as the leather stretched to accommodate the prisoner inside. Soft pads fit over his eyes. Thick leather padding fit over the ball filling his mouth. As the leather hood tightened, the pad over his mouth actually forced the ball farther into his jaws. Tighter and tighter the hood laced, closing off all air, all light, and all hope of escape. A zipped flap covered the lacing and this was closed in with a small stainless steel lock. The zipper connected to a leather collar that went around his neck with the lock. He was sealed in a leather prison with no hope of escape. A two and a half-inch strap wrapped around where his eyes were. It was pulled as tight as Rachel could do it and locked behind his head. A second strap of equal size was pulled around his gagged mouth, tightened and locked behind his skull with a buckle and padlock. A final very wide strap ran under his chin, over his filled, leather-covered cheeks up to the top of his head. When this final strap was pulled as tight as cold be, his mouth was locked even more closed around the ball that had become part of his aching mouth.
Rachel ran two narrow straps from small “D” rings that were sewn into the toes of the leather leggings. Each thin strap ran to a third “D” ring that was attached to the middle of the single sleeve at about elbow level. Each of these straps was pulled tight and locked. One last strap to go, Rachel thought. She ran a belt-width strap from a buckle at the top of his skull and looped it into the same “D” ring at his elbow that held his arched feet. Rachel began shortening the strap, inch by inch. His neck arched farther back as she pulled the strap tighter.
By the time Rachel and Kelly locked this final bit of bondage off, he could not twitch a muscle; his body was immobilized by expertly applied leather and steel bondage.
“Looks like you are going to have to stay here mister until we get back.” Kelly said. Only response was a muffled mew of pleading and surrender.
Then they went to the door, turned out the lights and shut the door.
He was unaware of what was happening outside his tiny prison. He had not been able to move an inch in the fifteen minutes they had been gone. He lay in darkness. A chill passed through his body. The white PVC shorts giving him little warmth.
The next few hours were a continual cycle of he thinking about how he had to get out of this! Struggling would then ensue. He would sit quietly for a few minutes, and think about what was happening to him, but the struggle against the implacable bonds holding him.
The minutes turned to hours as he continued his desperate attempts to get even the slightest slack, the tiniest bit of relief from the constant strain of the hinged handcuffs and leather holding him. It was a hopeless fight.
He waited bound tighter than he knew possible. The darkness of the leather helmet laced around his head was overwhelming. He could not get a millimeter of slack in his bondage to give any relief. His defeat was so total and overwhelming. No sound could escape his rubber filled mouth. He could only feel the leather, rubber and metal holding him so tight, no other tactile input was available. Again and again he would struggle and pull with every fiber of his being. Again and again his bonds easily held his attempts.
Rachel returned after several hours. She casually opened the door to his cell and stepped in. He was in the exact same position that Rachel and Kelly had forced him earlier. He just continued sitting there, moaning into his gag.
Rachel began to loosen and remove the hood over his head. With all the buckles, belts and laces this was no quick process, but after an eternity she pulled the leather hood off his head. The way his body was secured still made it impossible for him to move more then a couple of inches. Rachel put a glass of water on the floor and put her finger to her lips to let him know to be quiet She then reached behind his head and unbuckled the harness gag. Rachel pulled the ball from behind his teeth; it made an audible pop as it came free. He gasped and coughed for a few moments while Rachel waited patiently
“Please… let my arms go. I won’t try to get away.” He squirmed his body around to try and show Rachel his bound arms. Rachel simply reached down and grabbed the ball gag again.
“No, no… Please. I’m sorry. I won’t say another word. I swear. Please, I can’t take that thing anymore.” Rachel simply put her finger to his lips again and gestured with the harness gag. He got the message and shut up. She brought the glass of water up to his lips and gestured for him to drink. He drank hungrily.
“Well, are you having fun?” Rachel asked. “Would you want me to remove those leather restraints and handcuffs?” she continued.
“Yes, please… I do anything if you let me go,” he pleaded.
“I bet you would want me to do that, don’t you?” she replayed. “But you know, mister, you are going to be my bondage prisoner as long as I like and there is nothing you can do about it!” She got the glass and the ball gag and walked behind him. He strained around to see what Rachel was up to. She jerked his head roughly back. He let out a squeal as his mouth jerked open. Rachel pushed the huge ball from the gag back into his still aching mouth. He tried to beg her not to do this, but the gag was as effective as it had ever been and reduced his pleading to a helpless groan. Rachel once again pulled the various straps around his face, once again buckling them as tightly as her strength would allow. She grabbed the same discipline helmet that had been on him before and brought it up to his face. His whole body shook as he desperately tried to move away from the impending leather device. It slid over his head and was laced up in a few minutes. The strap leading from the top of his head was once again attached to the “D” ring at his back.
A few moments of near freedom, only to be put right back into the exact same bondage. He was totally helpless to stop anything that Rachel wanted to do to him.
Rachel checked all the leather bonds and handcuffs one last time, pulling a buckle or two a notch tighter here and there. She briefly let her fingers touch his dick. He jumped as he felt her touch through his skintight white PVC shorts.
“You better get used to be in heavy bondage,” she said. “We are going to have so much fun with you.”